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'Points of View'', Jillian Porteous (Hullabaloo Art Space, Cromwell)

There is no such thing as a static subject in painting. In portraiture, the human face is capable of infinite variety of expression and movement.
A still life will challenge the nature of its title by altering in appearance with the time of day and passage of light. And the view of a landscape will shift from one second to the next, affected by the sliding sun, the direction of the wind, the advancement of clouds, the disturbance of feet, and the mindset and mood of its observer.
Bendigo artist Jillian Porteous' latest study, ''Points of View'', highlights the impossibility of capturing a fixed viewpoint on canvas. A scene as it exists at one moment will never again be exactly replicated, nor will it be interpreted in the same way by two different people.
Porteous claims to not be a ''message'' painter. Her works, like all artworks, will make individual connections with their audience and create unique stories with each viewer. Her soft colour palette lends a slightly hazy daydream effect that is enhanced by an abstraction and simplification of form. Porteous works quickly on small block canvases, capturing impressions of brief moments.
The collective ''Points of View'' then become something of a painted, interchangeable set of puzzle pieces. The viewer can literally build their own landscape by putting together as many of the blocks as they like, arranging them in an order that creates a picture from their own imagination.

Laura Elliot 6 Feb 2014



Jillian Porteous

2005/17     Painting, graphic design and teaching private art classes
1984/04     Graphic Designer, Dunedin Public Libraries
                Mural commission, The French Café, Dunedin.
1989         Winner: Goodman Fielder Wattie Library Display Award
                Highly Recommended, Telecom Art Awards, Dunedin
                Joint commission, Lakeland Park Hotel, Queenstown.
1980/82     Otago Polytechnic School of Art, graduated Diploma of Fine Arts
1972/78     Living in Madrid and Athens. Extended travel in Europe
                Three mural commissions in Athens.


solo exhibitions

2007/17    Hullabaloo Art Space, Cromwell
2014         Front Room Gallery, Queenstown
2007         Anchorage Gallery, Port Chalmers
2006         Moray Gallery, Dunedin
2002         Moray Gallery, Dunedin
1998         Ground Essence Café, Dunedin
1995         No 5 Gallery, Dunedin
1992         Bagdad Café, Dunedin
1986/87     Marshall Seifert Gallery, Dunedin

group exhibitions

2017         "Six of Us" Cloakroom Gallery, Queenstown
2016         Hullabaloo Artists, Lakes District Museum, Arrowtown
2015         Cloakroom Gallery, Queenstown
2010/17     Hullabaloo Art Space, Cromwell
2009         Group Show, Bellamy's Gallery, Dunedin
2007/08     Hullabaloo Art Space, Cromwell, Central Stories, Alexandra
2006         Bonjour Monsuer Holman, Moray Gallery, Dunedin
               RE:opening:12 Artists, Hullabaloo Art Space, Cromwell
2004         Large Art, Cleveland Arts Centre, Dunedin
2003         Group Show, Anchorage Gallery, Port Chalmers
2000         Altrusa Club, From Dunedin with Love, Dunedin
1998         Winter Exhibition  Mobile Art, Auckland
1997         Harriette Cotton Gallery, Dunedin
1996         3 Group Shows,No 5 Gallery, Dunedin
1995         Vision Art, Port Chalmers
               125 Cup & Saucer Exhibition, No5 Gallery, Dunedin
1994         Delia Grace Galleries, Wellington
1993         The Artist at Home  Moray Gallery, Dunedin
1991         Mainland Art Awards,  OAS Gallery, Dunedin
               Oamaru Licensing Trust Art Awards, Oamaru
1990         Women Artists, Port Chalmers Aero Club Gallery
               Tokoroa Art Awards, Tokoroa
1986         Artist for Nicaragua, Otago Museum Foyer
1983         Young Artists, OAS Gallery, Dunedin